Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Be The Season!

It has been a challenging week.

I did several sessions with clients this week--two of whom have turned up with cancer. One knew about it when I was working with her, but said nothing to me about it until our session was nearly over. The other found out after having a mammogram that was reported as being fine. Both were a shock for me. I cannot imagine how hard this must be for these two people! I send them both much love and many prayers for healing!

I didn't see a single thing about cancer in the health of either one of these people. I saw nothing except a big, fat, black and bolded Question Mark when they asked me about their health!! I could not see past the Question Mark!

It seems that we are not allowed access to know about some things at certain times!

Working with others about their healing is nothing to take lightly. This is real life with real serious problems. I feel like I've got a lot of growing to do in order to be a better vessel for these specific kinds of issues, (and probably other issues that I haven't even figured out yet!) It is easier to work with others when it is lifestyle that is the threatening issues...WOW, this caught me completely off guard!

I should have seen this coming, but instead, I ran smack-dab into the wall. It's a growing space for this is good, even though it is NOT COMFORTABLE!

So much has not been comfortable for me lately. But all has absolutely been worth going through the discomfort!

I have also been experiencing distance in one of my most important relationships. This person has been a long-term healer, spiritual advisor and friend to me for more than 10 years. In fact, it is having worked so hard and so long with her on my spiritual journey that lead me to the re-discovery of my intuitive and mediumship abilities--among a host of other wonderful discoveries along the way.

She grows more silent and withdrawn by the day. The more I try to tell her about my amazing experiences on this path, the quieter she seems to be getting. Now I can tell her almost nothing at all. It feels sad not to be able to share with her all the wonderful discoveries I have been making. It feels awful not to be able to share my pain and helplessness with her when I am learning about working with people that have cancer.

Whenever I get in difficult spots I have only to meditate and the most amazing things happen! The love and compassion of Spirit holds me and comforts and nurtures my entire being—on every level, and without fail!

I am so grateful for this!

Perhaps this is the lesson for me about this. Perhaps the lesson is to keep going within to Spirit for support and compassion and to let others off-the-hook.

I have been working through the book, “Opening To Channel,” and practicing this week. The following is a message that “came through” in a channeling experience I had yesterday. I am going to just pass it on as I received it:

This is the time of family, of love, and connection with others—even those that are far away in miles. It is a special time of year that makes it all the more easily to feel the love and presence of something much greater than you.

Allow the Season to be in you, to be part of you. Notice that Season has a capital “S.” That is for a reason. Think about it.

Savor and enjoy the good times, the wonder, the joy of family and friends, of soft, winter quiet, and glistening snow. If you are in places of different environments, enjoy whatever it is that is the essence of the place where you are. Really allow yourself to see it, feel it, smell it, and be in it.

Feel the love of mankind for the persons that they each love. Remember that you are all one, all part of the same Divine Source. Remember that the love you give to your family and your friends is also the same love that is to be given for all of humanity. Give it. Be the giving angel that spreads it all over the planet. Dare to love and express it to others, even those for which you have no other connection than the unity of your humanity.

And so it is!

A Blessed and Happy Christmas to you all!



  1. Barbara, what a wonderful channeled message. Thanks for sharing it.

    Sometimes teachers become struck and you move on to areas that they can't go. You can outgrow certain teachers also. Be willing to continue your growth. That person may later rejoin you or you may actually leave them behind.

    We each have our own journey to follow. Be willing to grieve the separation and let it go to God. Some people bless us with their presence and wisdom for all of our lives and others bless us just for a short time. Sometimes the lesson is in the letting go.

  2. Good Advice, Patricia! And...I dare say, grief is exactly the correct word for what I have been feeling about this separation. Thanks for the loving words of wisdom!
