Friday, August 16, 2013

"Fibromyalgia, It's Not All In Your Head--It's In Your Hands," per the University of Albany

I have massive problems with my hands.  I had severe Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and have had bilateral Carpal Tunnel Release surgeries many years ago.  The surgeries helped immensely! 

I always thought my hands were such a mess because of my excessive work on computers and keyboards throughout my life.  I've been very hard on my hands and fingers!

They are so unbelievably painful these days.  When I use them for things like sorting through papers or doing anything hand/finger labor intensive, I pay for it dearly in severe pain and unusable hands/fingers for days and sometimes weeks afterward.

It turns out that even painful hands may be an issue of Fibromyalgia!

I love!  They are a wealth of information about current studies for Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ME.  

This link below here describes a news release from the University of Albany on June 20, 2013, about hands and Fibromyalgia for your edification.

Love, Hugs and Blessings,

© Copyright 2009-2013, Transformation Of A Mystic | Barbara F. Manning. 
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  1. Thank you for sharing this. Just knowing that it isn't in a person's head despite what they may have been told is such a relief for so many. I will be sharing this.
