Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Root Canal or Extraction???

Sometimes the world seems like a very scary place--as I sit here eating my main food staple for the past while--Cream of Wheat, sprinkled with the dastardly Splenda, while licking off my sunblock moisturizer that I inadvertently slathered across my lips while attempting to protect myself from skin cancer and pondering about what I should do about my previously root canaled tooth that is now outwardly abscessing--and about which I just read an article on how Root Canals poison us!

Whew!  Gimme a break!

Everywhere I look lately I keep seeing messages of fear, gloom and doom!

Enough, already!  

I refuse to take on the fear and allow it to run me!  There is some purpose in this dance with this abscessing tooth and all-over body pain.  Maybe they are even connected on some level and the whole purpose of this last month of mega pain is all about finding and correcting something that needs to be corrected--and NOT about annihilation!

Tomorrow I see a specialist about my abscessing tooth.  I will make a decision about what is the best way to move forward from here--another root canal or extraction.  

Extinction is definitely NOT part of this equation! 

All is wellI am certain of this--even when it sometimes looks very unwell!

Love, Hugs & Blessings

© Copyright 2009-2013, Transformation Of A Mystic | Barbara F. Manning. 
All Rights Reserved
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  1. Hello Barbara, medical based journeys are somewhat confusing aren't they. I had a collapsed neck, three years ago. I was working for a bit of a tyrant, who literally was a pain in the neck! Worked on standing up for myself etc. I still had to have an operation that gave me a metal joint, improving the pain considerably, though I have some nerve damage to contented with. The biggest thing for me was learning to transcend pain, seeing the pain as quite separate to the self was part it for me.
    Am visualising a healthy tasty now moment for you dear Barbara x

  2. Thank you so much!! I totally get this! Your comment so triggered me that I am writing another blog entry about it!

    Hugs & Blessings & Gratitude to you, my Anonymous Friend!


  3. From K.N.:

    Hi Barbara,

    You are a strong and courageous woman - hats off to you. You are the model of how to respond to adversity. Your point of view (what is the purpose and how can I deal with the situation in a positive and healing manner?) influences those of us reading your message in such a grand way. Thank you.

    I send wishes for rapid recovery from your tooth issue and any other issues, but it sounds like you have the perfect mind set for your healing. I just want you to know that there are people who care deeply for you and your well being.

    With much love

    1. Thank you so much, K.N. It is very nice to hear this!

      Love, Hugs, Blessings & Gratitude to you!
