Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Rocking Through the Thunder Storms!

As a child my mother used to rock me in the big rocker in front of the big picture window, watching the lightening flash and listening to the thunder pound. She did this with me and my brothers because we were terrified of the storms.  

In time I grew to love thunder and lightening storms...because they were a time of great closeness with my mother.   This nurturing and comforting place was not something my mother shared much as I was growing up.  But when thunder and lightening visited, she became the most soothing and cuddling mother!

We all need cuddling from time to time.

For some of us, we can no longer just go to our mother for this kind of support.  For some of us, Mom is no longer in the physicalFor others, it is just not feasible or we feel too vulnerable about our neediness.  Or, maybe we didn't have a mother that was able to nurture at all.

I have discovered that I have my own "Inner Mother" inside of me.  I have found that I can "go within," in a meditation state, and with my intention being to nurture me and love me, just as my mom once did with meIn this way, I become my own parent and I parent myself!

What a discovery to find that this is possible!  

I am grateful!

Become the mother that you lost or that you never had or that is not available to you when you need her.


Nurture and take care of you!

Do the best job possible for you!  You deserve it!

Feel the closeness and KNOW beyond any doubt that you are held and you are perfectly safe and loved--any time that you need it or want it! 

Most importantly, let it be Okay that you need it or want it!  And then, work to allow yourself to receive it!  It is WONDERFUL!  And it is so worth the spiritual work to learn to allow ourselves to receive the good things in life!!  

(Thank you Getty Images, for the use of this photo)

Happy Self-Nurturing!

Love & Hugs & Blessings,

Copyright 2012. Transformation of a Mystic. Barbara F. Manning


  1. Thank you for sharing is quite lovely!

  2. You are welcome, Janice! Thank you for reading it!

    Funny, I have been cleaning out my mother's and father's things and found some writings of my mother's. The very first page I read was this exact story about her and we kids with her during Thunderstorms! I found it about 3 or 4 weeks after I wrote and posted this post!

    No Accidents!
