Monday, July 9, 2012

Floating In The Ocean

I have been stuck.  I have been in a place of not being able to put my finger on anything, just experiencing that blocked feeling that comes when there are things/feelings in me that are just not safe enough to come up into my conscious awareness--yet.  I do not want to go anywhere.  I do not want to talk to people.  I do not want any pressures or responsibilities.  Everything outside (and some of it inside) of my family, my grandchildren, my gardening, feels like a huge burden that is far beyond me right now.  The only place where I feel like my regular, old self, is when I am working with clients!  There I feel spiritually connected and whatever is needed for them, always seems to come through--Thank You, God--though I worried for a while about this, too.

I found myself scaring myself crazy about all of this.  I saw myself and felt myself like a ship, listing in the sea.  I have been in great judgment about myself and what I am experiencing. The not being in control and not being able to direct my life in any major way has been rather overwhelming.
And then Spirit brought me a huge gift in the form of a comment of a good friend, Elizabeth Sabroso of Radiant Heart Healing.  She helped me to see that I could shift my perspective about the experience, (since I surely could not shift being in the experience!)  The only choice I have is how I experience it.  I am just in it. 

So rather than seeing myself listing in the sea, I am, instead, per Elizabeth's suggestion, seeing myself floating in God's Ocean, being nurtured, supported and held in this space.  I now allow it without judgment!

I don't have to be in control.  I can let go and just float.  Actually, I LOVE floating in the Ocean!  It feels wonderful!

Thank you for this loving and healing perspective, Elizabeth!  (Learn about Elizabeth Sabroso and the wonderful work that she does with clients at:

When I shifted my perspective, I began to feel better about being where I am.  I've been being rocked and consoled in this space for a while, now. 

And it is all Okay, just as it is!

Here I will stay until more is revealed...

Love & Hugs & Blessings to us all,


Copyright 2012. Transformation of a Mystic. Barbara F. Manning
