Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year 2010

It has been a very long time since I have posted an entry here. It is not that I have not had material to post. The problem has been my feeling comfortable enough to post the material!

I want to blog like I journal--with no holds barred! But that is not always the best way because sometimes we are feeling very vulnerable. With no restrictions on content, it can make one feel even more exposed and vulnerable!

I will soon be retired from my career of 27 years--3 years before I had originally intended to retire. My life circumstances keep pushing me forward, (sometimes with me kicking and screaming along the way,) into other things--the things that truly are my passion--that being intuitive and mediumship readings, spiritual counseling and meditation coaching, assisting others on their spiritual path, especially those with chronic pain issues. I have done much of this work in 2010. I will do more in 2011, too!

I have been in awe about the numbers of people showing up in my life, asking me to work with them! I am very humbled and honored and I am grateful!! It is my hope and prayer to be of the highest service to others in this way! I will now have time to do more of this important work! I am looking forward to this!

2010 has been a transition year for me. It has also been a year of much growth and embracing many awesome opportunities. I have gone through many challenges and confrontations. I am not through it all yet. But I can tell you that life has been a grand learning experience and I am grateful and I value each and every experience. All experiences lead me to greater and deeper spiritual growth.

I want to wish each of you a most Happy and Blessed 2011. I am grateful for each and every one of you in my life! I look forward to the future!

Love, Hugs and Many Blessings!


  1. Happy New Year and, yes, 2011 is going to be a glorious year of growth and discovery for both of us. Sending blessings and (((hugs))) your way on this 1st day of January 2011.

  2. Thanks so much, Patricia! You have always been such a marvelous support to me! I am grateful! I am here for you, too!
