Friday, November 13, 2009

"As Above, So Below"

This short little fragmented sentence has hit me in the face in so many different scenarios in the last few weeks that I am completely bowled over by it. Spirit is really hammering it into my awareness!

But what does it mean?

What is the Universe trying to get me to see?

The very first person to put this quote in my face recently was Dr. Richard Jelusich, ( ), a Human Sciences specialist, spiritual healer, counselor, gifted psychic, technology researcher, author and international lecturer. I listened to him speak recently and really like him. I felt called to do a healing session with him, and so I did.

Dr. Jelusich told me that I am “Throat Chakra Dominant.”

What the heck does that mean?

What it means is that it is in my best interests and the interests of others to do what Spirit has been calling me to do for at least a year and a half—that being to blog about my personal spiritual journey.

Even considering doing this brings out a cold sweat in me.

I’ve been a journaler since I was about 11 years old, (I’m 54 years old now). Journaling was a way to survive through many very difficult times for me. I could say whatever I wanted to in my journal, without risk of offending another. I could blast anyone that I was angry with, and never have to be out of control with those feelings in the real world. I could be in the sadness that I sometimes feel without risk of judgment or rejection. I could be…real.

Spirit is calling me to “be real” outwardly, to share it all, for others to see and experience too.

I’m being shown now that sharing my journey through whatever has been placed on my path is healing for me. It is important for me to own in an outward way, exactly who I am. Further, it is important for me to share my raw, unvarnished plodding through anything and everything that comes up for me. Of this I am certain. Spirit just keeps at me, nudging me on relentlessly to do this!

Alright, already! I’ll do it!

Sharing my journey may be helpful to some other poor shmuck also stumbling and struggling on their trek through life too.

It is important to know that we are not alone.

It is important to know that we are not really much different than anyone else, either. We just sometimes think that we are.

So just want does “As Above, So Below” mean for me? What is the Universe trying to convey to me by putting this sentence in my face repeatedly lately?

It is often very difficult for me to stay grounded in my body. My body is sometimes a rough place in which to live. It is much easier to get hooked into the spiritual, the esoteric, those things completely “removed from the earth plane.” But I am hearing loudly and clearly that in order for me to move further on my path, to be in integrity with my throat chakra dominance, I must now learn to be in this body, on this earth, speaking my Truth, no matter how hard that might sometimes be.

I have had a misunderstanding. I thought my goal was to perfect my meditation skills, to get more and more deeply Source connected. Now I am being slammed back to the earth, being told that I must do these things while still being in my body! I do not know if I can do this all the time, but I see that when I can stay in my body, staying grounded, that it helps me on all levels of my life!

So now I have an appointment in my Palm Pilot every morning at 7:35 AM. The alarm rings loudly and reminds me to STAY GROUNDED. At that moment, I stop everything and begin breathing and grounding exercises for a few minutes. It really is helping me to stay more grounded and as a result, miraculous things are happening in my life!

Future blog entries will be about anything and everything that happens in my life. I will share my experiences about things like:

* Spiritual and Energy Healing
* Spiritual Psychology, identifying and working
on Life Lessons
* Meditation
* Parenting and Step-Parenting
* Recovering from Co-Dependency
* Healing dysfunctional family dynamics
* Struggling with weight all of my life
* Coming to terms with and whipping Fibromyalgia
* Coming to terms with other physically handicapping
* Owning, expanding, and using my psychic-mediumship
abilities, including my experiences learning to
come to terms with seeing spirits and doing intuitive
and mediumship readings for others

I look forward to sharing this journey, even if my knees are knocking!



  1. Congratulations Braveheart!
    You are a wayshower and a beacon of light to us all! And thank you for sharing indeed and for taking your power back to you.

    Much, much joy to you Dear One!

  2. Barbara, congratulations on writing and setting up your blog. I told you if I could do it so could you. I love the name that you picked for your blog. I subscribed so that I don't miss any of your articles. Don't be too hard on yourself as you find your way around being a bloggers. I look forward to reading more of your articles.

  3. I think this is a wonderful idea and I whole heartedly endorse it! Way to go Barbara!!

  4. You Go Girl! I know you are on the right path! I am looking forward to watching you grow and enlighten all of us.

  5. i look forward to reading your entries,and i am very excited and happy for you.
