I have been catching some of the "Neuroscience Training Summit - How to Change Your Brain for Better Relationships, Accelerated Learning, and Increased Happiness."
Here is a "free for a limited-time" link for this online summit, if you are interested:
Today, Louis Cozolino, PhD, (a writer, professor and practicing psychologist in Los Angeles, California,) spoke about information from his book: "Why Therapy Works - Using Our Minds to Change Our Brains, (Norton Series on Interpersonal Neurobiology.)
As I listened to Dr. Cozolino speak today, I was THRILLED to hear him say that, in all the years he has been doing his own personal psychotherapy and working with clients for their healing, as well, neither he, nor any of his clients have ever been able to completely eradicate Shame from themselves!
This is Good News to me--because I have been working on healing this stuff in me for 35 years, and I was beginning to fear that maybe I was just too maimed to be able to heal all my personal Shame!
Whew! What a relief to discover that NO one is able to do this! I would not have believed anyone that said they were completely Shame-healed, anyway! My own personal experience just doesn't bear that out!
I think we carry Shame in our DNA--in our genetics! I think we are hard-wired for Shame! And then, there are so many places and experiences in our lives where we can gather up more Shame to shower upon ourselves! I do not know how, exactly. Perhaps it is through, among other things, that issue called "Original Sin," about which I was taught, (and felt scared about,) in Catechism as a child?
Cozolino says evolution sets us up for mental distress. This comes out of our primitive instincts. It also comes from our social connections and interactions. And there's that issue of our survival being very important to us! Yup--we are wired for Shame, in my opinion!
Hearing about Shame in this light feels much less about a personal issue or downfall than it is a human one, and therefore, some Shame just automatically feels removed from me!!
At any rate, as much healing as I attain, even being a good deal better at personal healing work than I was when I was 25 years old, I seem to be able to lapse back into Shame from time to time.
The best news of all is that I don't stay there as long as I once did; and I feel so much more compassion for myself when I discover I am in that Shame Pile, yet again, that it feels much less earth-shattering and it passes quickly!
This is progress!
What a relief!! Otherwise I would not know whether to run stark raving mad into the sunset, certain of my complete, unrecoverable brokenness, or, pat myself nicely on the back for having attained healthy integration of all my previous, not-so-positive life experiences with all the good ones!
Thank you, Dr. Cozolino! I most certainly enjoyed listening to what you had to share, today!
Love, Hugs and Blessings,
© Copyright 2009-2016, Transformation Of A Mystic | Barbara F. Manning.
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Thank you to ME for my cool photos of flowers from my garden!
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