It is a good thing, too!! I am all Fibro stove-up from peering into the Heaven's with a heavy set of binoculars last night, doing exactly this comet watching!
Who the heck ever heard of stargazing triggering Fibromyalgia???
You have GOT to be KIDDING!!!
I'm here to tell you...sadly...that this is true, at least for me right now, anyway! Crooked neck, heavy tools, holding arms above my head for a long while--all of it added up together triggered a massive YEEEE...OUCH for me after Comet Watching!
I am unbelievably stiff and sore today, even still, more than 24 hours later!
Another goofy piece for me is that I didn't recognize the cause of all the pain for a long while today. It wasn't until I raised my arms over my head to put a Christmas box up on a shelf, that the massive pain zap helped me to remember where this unbelievably deep pain began!
Stargazing would not normally bother me in the slightest!
It is impossible for me to know when Fibro will be triggered!
So what?!
I dearly LOVE stargazing! I am NOT giving it up! I will modify it somehow--when required! But I will never be able to 100 percent predict when it may lay me low. Fibro is unpredictable for me. My reactions can be unpredictable.
There is always a way to make accommodations and adjustments, though--even if only by being very compassionate and loving with myself when I have done something that is causing me to feel like a huge pile of crap!
I am not going to stop doing things I love doing on the chance that I may get Fibro-triggered.
That's no way to live.
Life and living is way too precious to live in fear of what might happen! I will continue to live in the moment, make concessions where I feel it wise and deal with whatever happens along the way!
Comet Lovejoy, you were worth it!
Love and Hugs,

© Copyright 2009-2015, Transformation Of A Mystic | Barbara F. Manning.
All Rights Reserved
Thank you Google Images, for the Commercial Reuse of your Images!
Photo credit:
Comet Lovejoy on December 13 from the
Astronomical Society of Victoria's
Astrophotography Observatory, Heathcote, Victoria.
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