I am whooped beyond my understanding. It does not make any sense that I could get so very depleted and from such little exertion.
But it is what is, for now.
I used to have such high energy. But I have over-expended it many, many times, too. I miss all the energy I had in my past! Boy, do I miss that a bunch!
The pattern for me lately is that I get myself back into an energy flow and then...WHAM, it all drains out of me like someone pulled the plug on my energy tank.
I've got things I want to do. I've got places I want to go. I want to have the energy to do these things.
It is hard to be patient with myself!
But I do not have energy--not this minute, anyway.
It is alright.
There is a Phoenix in me, readying to be reborn. I've seen this pattern in me before. It is not easy to trust this process. But it is always the truth that I do rise up out of the ashes.
I will again.
For now, I will Trust...
Love, Hugs & Blessings,
© Copyright 2009-2013, Transformation Of A Mystic | Barbara F. Manning.
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