I have been unconsciously recreating the end result of a very old belief in my life in a particular area--that being my not being heard when I am requesting something and as an end result, not being able to receive that which I am requesting. As a result of my history about this, I have a lifelong habit of doing my best to not need anything from another. But I have found this is not really possible or even a reasonable expectation!
This recurring themed scenario keeps showing up in my life on an almost daily basis for last seven solid weeks.
It all has to do with communication.
I believe this all means something. My intuitive gut tells me that it means something huge. This is a gigantic piece of spiritual work on deck--and for way more than just me, personally, at this time. I know this because my work about this is triggering many folks in my family, too.
Everything all falls together and fits perfectly, like a hand in a glove. My work mirrors for others their work. Others work mirrors for me my work.
I feel that I am supposed to stay open and keep supporting others in this experience, encouraging us all and openly embracing and modeling the trusting of others, and the belief that we will keep showing up and going at it and through it together again and again until we each can break through the barriers and the miscommunication to hear the truth of what is being said or asked--without filters, without inaccurate translations. And eventually, for all to be capable of receiving that which they are needing or wanting or requesting, if it is possible.
I know in my head that a lot of what is happening and much of what is being conveyed to me in these human interactions is not really about me--at least not the me of the present moment. But it surely does feel very personal. I keep doing my own healing work about these things, otherwise I would never be able to show back up with others with an open, willing, trusting and loving heart. Being able to do these things is very important to getting through this.

I love all of my family so very much! They are all so very important to me! I very much want to find the way through this so that successful communication can happen and that it happens as the normal outcome of all our communicating!
I have made some major headway in some pieces of this. Frustrating though, is the reality that this stuff keeps repeating. I feel like I am being tested again and again, to see if I really do get it and that I really have mastered the ability to keep coming back to a peaceful, loving and accepting place with myself and especially with others, no matter how difficult things have been to journey through together.

Somewhere in this experience there is a magnificent opportunity for a piece of growth, for gaining empowerment, for feeling great joy, and ultimately, for learning to be a more loving and compassionate human being!
Love, Hugs & Blessings,
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Copyright 2013. Transformation of a Mystic. Barbara F. Manning