"If your core belief is 'I lack,' and you carry that belief with you, then you will unconsciously perpetuate or create the circumstances that reflect the belief. But your circumstances are completely malleable: They simply reflect the dictates of your mind." ~Marianne Williamson, The Law Of Divine Compensation.
I have found this to be Truth about all of my beliefs about me and about my life, not just my financial beliefs.
This applies to my dealing with anything I find difficult--body aches and pains, difficulties in relationships, beliefs about my worthiness in receiving love in my life--literally everything about us and our experiences in our lives are directly related to our beliefs.
"In our ability to think about something differently lies the power to make it different." ~also from Marianne Williamson's book I cited above.
I have first-hand evidence that this, too, is complete Truth! In my working to change my thinking, eventually it changed my beliefs. Changing my beliefs changed my life dramatically.
I Love My Life! My life is totally miraculous these days and I am very grateful!
I have shifted my beliefs in many areas of my life. I am still working on it in others. Before beginning this journey of changing my beliefs and creating the life that I want, I was totally overcome with very difficult things I had created in my life: A body filled with horrific pain from a debilitating lumbar spine malady that ultimately drove me to two spinal fusion surgeries for resolution--unsuccessfully. I literally could not get out of bed and walk without excruciating pain. I was depressed and no longer even wanted to be on the planet. I felt helpless and beaten. In that energy and with those beliefs about my circumstances, I then created totally debilitating, all-over-body pain and exhaustion in me--Fibromyalgia.
All of these experiences were directly related to my beliefs. It all came from my thoughts and my fears.
Am I saying that these things were in my head? Absolutely not. But I am saying that my thinking created the energy, ultimately, the body chemistry, that allowed all the other things to occur in my body.
We are creators. We create everything in our lives. No one else creates in our lives--Others are simply players we have hired to help us create.
We are here to discover that we are the creators of our lives and that we have the power to create consciously and abundantly or unconsciously and blindly.
We are not victims. We are creators!
If you do not like what you are creating, change it.
It takes time to shift thoughts and feelings. It takes stick-to-it-tive-ness.
Ultimately changing your thoughts changes your feelings and this, then, changes your beliefs.
Beliefs are at the core of everything that we create in our lives. Nothing that happens to me do I see as a passive act on my part. I can see my beliefs working in every place and circumstance of my life!
In order for me to start changing my beliefs, I had to start with tapping into my thinking, into the random thoughts and feelings that were going on in me from moment to moment, and changing them into what I really wanted--even if I didn't really believe it in the beginning.
I found it works best for me to recognize and become aware of my thoughts and feelings without judgment about them. This was not easy at first, because I realized that many of my thoughts and feelings were negative.
Losing the judgment about whatever I discover is going on within me is critical for me. If I get stuck in self judgment I cannot move forward to create the positive and the miraculous in my life.
Over time, the negative was replaced by the positive--and that has made All The Difference!
I am here to tell you that: All Things Are Possible!
It is a process. It is doable. If you are unable to find your way on your own, find yourself an Empowerment Coach that will help you clear the path, reprogram your thinking and feelings and support you in finding your power to make your life exactly what you want it to be!
And so, I ask you: "What are you thinking today?" Does it support what you want to create? If it does, Congratulations! If it doesn't, CHANGE IT!"
Love, Hugs, Blessings & Happy Healing,
Thank you to the contributors of the images I used in this blog entry!
Copyright 2012. Transformation of a Mystic. Barbara F. Manning