I very much doubt that it is possible for any physically felt affliction to just be "in your body." Anything I experience is always on multiple levels. But I have also experienced aliments that did not show definitive physical signs until far down the road--and I suffered long and severely as a result.
When folks have pain that is not obvious to the outside world--an abscessing tooth, all-over body pain sometimes diagnosed as Fibromyalgia, MS, Migraines, Back Pain, whatever it might be, my experience has been that sometimes the person with the pain is discounted, not believed, and sometimes judged extremely harshly and unfairly.
Disbelieving doctors and other non-believers don't really mean to be so heartless, (I don't think,) but when they can't see a thing, they get frustrated and start believing that it is not real. Sometimes they even get into "shooting the messenger," the patient about it!
I have been there!! I have had this experience on several occasions in my life!
On occasion I have not trusted MY OWN perceptions about what is going on with me!
This can be an awful experience for those of us that have to walk through these kinds of circumstances--often with little support from others.
These kinds of experiences kept driving me inward and to alternative methods to find ways to manage pain and symptoms in an effort to limit the smack-downs that I have experienced more often than I care to remember when dealing with the mainstream medical community.
Like I've said a thousand times before, nothing happens by accident. I also believe we aren't meant to be destroyed, (I don't believe it is possible to destroy the essence of who we are)--even though it can certainly feel like this is exactly what is happening at times!
There is always a higher and greater purpose for all things that happen to us, even when those things can sometimes be very difficult to bear!
No Accidents! All is in Divine Order. Always the purpose of the difficulties in my life is about my practicing Going Within, Trusting my Inner Wisdom and Higher Guidance, actively working on healing myself, as well as seeking and advocating for the care that I need that I cannot do for myself.
Healing is my job. I am my Healing Team Leader. This is not any doctor's responsibility. But I certainly do need a team for my healing. It cannot just be my job, solely.
Some of us are here on the planet, in part, to step-up and teach the medical community, the DEA, the AMA, Pharmacies and Pharmacists how to deal with people with odd-ball afflictions with much more compassion and care!
Some of us are here to become empowered through our weak spots and grow.
Always, though, when we have made some headway on our Journey, God uses us in service to others that are still suffering in ways that we have or are suffering.
We are the very best teachers for what we are here on the planet, learning ourselves.
We can help another find the strength, the empowerment--even give them a literal hand to Step-Up in their lives.
This end result is the greatest and more heart-filled side effect from all the medical troubles I have experienced in my life.
I love my work. I do not like the struggles with often severe physical pain, with the heart aching pain of dealing with calloused professionals that do not know how to deal with that which they do not experience, with that which they fear and about which they feel so helpless to affect.
I am a teacher and I am a student. My job is to learn from all these personal experiences and share my journey through them. In these monumentally difficult experiences, I ALWAYS find the next step, the next level, the next piece...and The Peace rendering ALL of these experiences to be worth every part of the Journey.
I am also very good at walking beside others, helping others to discover, grow and embrace the difficulties and the gifts of their own Journeys.
Like I said, "I Love My Work!"
Love, Hugs and Blessings,
No, it is NOT all in your head! |
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